Learn the Right Way


If you are a student interested in software engineering.
And want to showcase your project in the real world. 🌍 😊

This guide will help you to launch your project in production. πŸ‘¨
πŸ’»Let me introduce you to GitHub Student Developer Pack which offers you premium software development tools and courses for free for a limited time ( 1 year or 6 months ).

Let’s see how do I host my todo app.

βœ… ☁ Deciding the cloud server to host app (Azure or Heroku)
βœ… πŸ“š We need a database ( Availed MongoDB Premium )
βœ… πŸ‘¨πŸ’» I need a personal domain ( Avail from get[dot]tech )
βœ… πŸ“« I need to notify users ( Avail mailgun or customerly) Madhav, do add on to this !! 😊



Abir (@imabptweets)

I love to build,innovate and write about software from its scalability to its design. Also passsionate about Dev-Advocacy. DMs open: twitter.com/imabptweets